By using mainly natural materials from the backyard and local parks, you and your littles can create unique crafts over their holiday break! As school lets out for the holidays and Christmas quickly approaches, our homes may begin to fill with the sound of little feet, laughing voices and tight hugs from visiting family and friends.
In this month’s blog, we will give you and your family some fun and super simple holiday crafts to enjoy with your family of all ages. Whether you decide to take a family hike, or just enjoy the cooler weather at home, we have some fun ways to get outside and play!
One merry and bright idea is to start with a scavenger hunt! Make a list of craft materials you may find outdoors. (To add a fun twist, write down different animal sounds or neat colors of birds and insects to look for, too!) Once you have your list, grab a reusable bag and trek outdoors to start your hunt! Take materials from the ground, sidewalks and trails and take photos of interesting animals, bugs, clouds, trees and whatever else catches your eye!!
There are a variety of crafts you can create using pinecones, twigs, tree bark and acorns. Googly eyes add a fun touch as well as pipe cleaners and colorful beads or puff balls.
Bark Owl
Find a piece of bark resembling an owl, glue acorns for eyes and a leaf for a nose and voila!
Pine Cone Reindeer
Turn pinecone with tapered end down, glue googly eyes on rounder end, add twigs for antlers and a red puff for a nose!
Stick Christmas Tree
Using a popsicle stick vertically, glue sticks smallest to largest horizontally on popsicle stick to create a Christmas tree. To add a little sugar and spice, either wrap the sticks with yarn or string before glueing or add colorful beads, glitter or puff balls for decorations!
Suggested Materials
Pieces of bark
(Store Bought)
googly eyes
super glue
pipe cleaners
From all of us here at Little Feet Nanny Services, we hope you are blessed with quality time enjoying loved ones from near and far. May love, light and hope surround you this holiday season!
